Managing open source vulnerabilities

Dorian Naveh
, Senior Director, Global Alliances
, Canonical
This Article by Dorian Naveh, explores open source vulnerabilities, the challenges faced by organizations and best practices to address them.

The usage of open source software has become an organizational mandate. Today, over 85% of enterprises rely on open-source software due to its modularity, flexibility, and creative capabilities. Developer productivity and IT operations efficiency are cited as advantages of its use and has now become central to mission-critical technology stacks across multiple industries.

A result of open source becoming more pervasive in the enterprise is the realization that enterprise-class services, such as business continuance, have now become a key requirement. However, protecting open source software from sophisticated cyber attacks as well as securing and maintaining open source software can be complex and requires proven methodologies to address. Moreover, resource limitations, skill deficiencies, and complexities associated with open source pose real challenges for customers.

This paper will provide insights into open source vulnerabilities highlighting the challenges faced by organizations and offer best practices to overcome them for effective cybersecurity. The document will offer tangible steps by implementing a holistic approach to open source security via purpose-built security and compliance tools, and by choosing the NIST cybersecurity framework as a comprehensive security model.